Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Once Arjuna was walking with Krishna by his side. Sri Krishna wanted to teach humility to his great devotee. As they were walking by Krishna showed to Arjuna a mound of flowers and mentioned casully that is from my greatest devotee! Arjuna immediately interjected-me? A question expecting an asuured answer of affirmation.

Krishna feigned surprise-You? No No. The flowers you have offered to me are over there and showed a small mound. Arjuna was miffed- then who is this devotee who had offered you so many flowers? He maybe is doing laksharchana everyday and not be riddled with protecting a nation like me. Now you can see Arjuna going on the defence.
Krishna says No on the contratry He is also a kshatriya Involved in governance just like you.

Arjuna could not take the suspense anymore. asked Krishna Who is he?
Krishna smiled sweetly and said your own brother Bhima.
Now Arjuna was even more intrigued- what Bhima? If you had mentioned Dharmaraja i could beleive but Bhima?the guy with the eternal apetite? NO way...
But still Krishna would not lie...
So as a last face saving device he asked-Krishna you mean it?
Krishna says-absolutely,every word of it..If you want go and ask Bhima.
Arjuna went to Bhima and explained the situation and asked him when you have offered these flowers to Krishna.
Bhima said in all simplicity- Oh these flowers? Whenever I pass by the hillside and see these flowers I used to be lost in its beauty and grandeure and think of Krishna and his myraid taste in creating these flowers. So i used to offer it to Krishna in my mind-as a trbute-offering what was and is originally His. Apart from this where is the time to do Pooja and all the stuff? He laughed and went off.

Now Arjna had learnt his lesson and so have we- God is not looking at the number of times we have perambualated or the number of flowers or incense we have offered or the number of mala we have rotated. What is not His which we can offer to him
Remebrance is everything.
Krishnamachari Santhanam.

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