Monday, January 29, 2018

Wedding Gift

Bhagavan's Wedding Gift for a Student's Sister

I am also happy to let you know that Bhagavan did two important miracles that day. Having come out of the interview room, suddenly, He called one boy. Then, He just looked at him and took the wedding card he had for his sister.

The boy said, "Swami, this is my sister's wedding card."

"OK," He said and told the boy to go and sit.

The boy went and sat in the tenth or fifteenth row, which was his seat that day. At the end of arati, he finds there in another cover, the Mangalasutra, the sacred knot or the golden chain, which is given to the bride on the wedding day. The boy was thrilled and he told me. I was very excited to hear this. I have been sharing this with as many groups as possible because you must have understood my temperament. I cannot be at peace unless I share whatever I know with everybody. Yes, it is the greatest delight!

Another Vibhuthi Wonder

I can also share with you another miracle. There is a district by the name Khammam about a fifteen hours drive from here. There is a very small village close to Khammam by the name Chilukuru. Our seva dals went there and started doing some service. They noticed a Hanuman temple there, which was dilapidated and neglected. There was no priest, no daily worship, nothing whatsoever. So, the seva dals cleaned the whole premises; they whitewashed the whole temple. While they were there, they kept Baba's picture.

From Bhagavan's picture, vibhuthi started flowing continuously. Those seva dals were immensely happy for the kindness of Bhagavan, approving and accepting their service to Hanuman. In doing this, Swami was establishing that He and Hanuman are one and the same.

The seva dals also did bhajans there in the temple premises. They saw Baba's face in the photo, full red in colour. Normally, Hanuman's face is smeared with the red colour (vermillion), as most of us must have seen. They noticed the same thing on Baba's face. I also wanted to share this had happened.

From: Anil Kumar Satsang, "Sai Pearls of Wisdom"

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