Thursday, July 24, 2014

Chinna Katha-4

“It is mentioned that we are bound by acts of our past karma, the so called fate. Is there any way for us to escape from this fate, especially by the Grace of Divine personalities like Baba?”

Swami illustrated the Karma theory, with an example:

“In a vast slush green field, a cow is tied to a peg, with a rope of about 100 meter long. The fate of the cow is now fixed. It can choose to graze in a circular area of 100-meter diameter. By a foolish act, if the cow chooses to go round, round very often, the length of the rope gets reduced, and it cannot even enjoy the allotted area of grazing. On the contrary, if the cow uses its own strength to uproot the very peg to which it is tied down; it can reach out a much larger area without any limitation. Thus many options are available for the cow. The cow’s specific choice of the option and the effects of such option becomes it fate. By using its intelligence and making efforts, it can overcome the so called fate, or the limitations enforced upon it.”
“Likewise, man can also overcome the effects of the fate destined for him. He may either choose and determine to live a pure life which helps to retain what is allotted to him or opt for an easy and impure life, and further slip down. By leading a pure spiritual life, he can cleanse his chitha, his intellect. He will then engage himself in “Nishkama Karma” Seva activities, which will go beyond his self-interests and benefit people beyond him or his family. The rewards of those good acclivities will start accruing to his account, which will slowly erase the effects of past misdeeds”.

Sai in Chinna Katha.

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