Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ashram Bats

On my visit to the Ashram this year,and while waiting in the Darshan line I saw new visitors whom I had not seen in years-fruit bats. They were hanging upside down and all over the trees. The last I had seen these fruit bats was in Luna garden in Sydney. So many of them... and as usual they taught me a lesson or two.

They came swooping and with one leg clung to the tree. Till they find a comfortable branch they moved with the small,"V" formation in their wings as hands and moved around. Once they found the comfortable branch they spread their wings and took all the cool air they needed to regulate their blood temperature. Once done, they wrapped first one wing, then another around them and immediately was lost to all the happenings around them and was lost in meditation. What a marvel? They are veritable sages lost in meditation. Probably they are. The divinity in these creations amazed me. Wish I could as easily settle into meditation and be immersed in it.

Lesson one- Fly high and get the highest branch-in terms of spiritual mentor.
Lesson two- Move around only till you get the bare necessary comfort.
Lesson three- Stay rooted.
Lesson four- Spread your wings, only to unspread later.
Lesson five- Once the Drishti is closed Srishti vanishes. ( Once Physical eyes close manifestation ceases).

Only consciousness remains.

Krishnamachari Santhanam.